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The Soviet-ness of Supply Side Economics

I was sitting in a macro-economics class in college when Reagan announced a dramatic change in decades of Keynesian economic policy .  He was shifting the United States economic policy from demand-side economics to supply-side economics.  Keynesian economics had been used since the great depression, and is generally referred to "demand-side" economics.  It essentially states that the demand for a product will drive the supply.  Prior to that, aggregate supply-side economics had been employed.  I remember on that day that my economics professor had simply stated that supply-side economics was a robber baron's wet dream, in essence, and wouldn't serve the general populace well.  The problem with supply-side economics is that it estimates demand, irrespective of what actual demand -- or critical need -- may be. Which brings us to today, the complete lack of the basics one needs to successfully navigate a pandemic, and a sudden realization:  Supply-...

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